
来源:八戒影院人气:921更新:2023-04-05 10:47:16


In recent years, there has been a growing trend in the United States to target film critics who write their reviews in English. Some have even gone so far as to call it a "siege" on the profession.

This trend is largely fueled by the rise of social media and the ease with which people can share their opinions. While there are certainly many valuable and thoughtful film critics who write in English, there are also many who are not as skilled or thoughtful in their analysis.

This has led to a backlash against film criticism in general, with many arguing that it is no longer a valid profession. However, there are still those who believe that good film criticism is essential to our understanding and appreciation of the art form.

The key to navigating this debate is to remain open-minded and willing to listen to different perspectives. While there are certainly valid criticisms of the film criticism profession, there are also many talented and dedicated individuals who continue to provide valuable insight into the world of cinema.

Overall, it is important to remember that film criticism is an evolving field, and that there is always room for improvement and growth. By engaging in thoughtful and respectful discussions about the profession, we can work together to elevate the art of film criticism and ensure that it continues to play a vital role in our cultural discourse.



The Siege on Film Review by the US

Recently, the US movie review industry has been under heavy criticism for its aggressive and biased approach to reviewing foreign films. The reviews on non-English speaking films are often filled with negative stereotypes and biased perspectives.

This siege on foreign films has led to a growing frustration among filmmakers and audiences outside of the United States. In an increasingly globalized world, where cultural exchange and international cooperation are highly valued, it is worrisome to see a powerful industry blatantly ignoring and dismissing the works of other cultures.

Moreover, the US movie review industry is not only harming foreign filmmakers, but also its own audience. By insisting on a narrow-minded approach to films from other countries, it is depriving American audiences of the opportunity to experience diverse perspectives and broaden their horizons.

This siege on foreign films has revealed the need for a more inclusive and open-minded approach to film reviews. It is crucial for the US movie review industry to recognize the importance of cultural exchange and embrace the richness of diverse perspectives in films. Only then can we truly appreciate and understand the artistic works of other cultures, and create a more harmonious and connected global community.



In recent years, a trend in the world of film criticism has caught many people's attention: the phenomenon of "review bombing" movies on websites such as Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb. This tactic involves large numbers of people leaving negative reviews of a movie en masse, often before the film has even been released. One notable example of this practice occurred in 2016 with the all-female remake of Ghostbusters, which was targeted by a group of internet trolls who disliked the film's feminist themes.

More recently, the film Captain Marvel has been the target of review bombing by a group of people who disagree with actress Brie Larson's public statements about diversity in the film industry. These individuals have attempted to harm the film's reputation by leaving negative reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, despite having never seen the movie.

Review bombing is a controversial tactic, with some arguing that it is a valid form of protest against movies that promote ideologies they disagree with, while others believe it is an unfair and unethical practice that undermines the integrity of film criticism.

Regardless of where you stand on this issue, it is clear that review bombing is a growing trend that is shaping the way movies are discussed and marketed. As the internet continues to empower individuals to make their voices heard, we can expect to see more instances of this phenomenon in the future.



In recent years, the practice of "review-bombing" has become increasingly prevalent on sites like Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb. This involves groups of individuals banding together to leave negative reviews of a film or TV show, often without even having seen it, in order to bring down its rating.

Recently, however, a different kind of review-bombing has emerged: that of the English-language movie review sites being "besieged" by American audiences. This phenomenon has arisen in response to the recent surge of Chinese-language films that have found success overseas, particularly in North America.

Many of the films in question are blockbusters from China's thriving film industry, such as "Wolf Warrior 2" and "The Wandering Earth." Yet despite their success abroad, some American audiences have expressed disgust at the idea of "having to" watch movies with subtitles.

The backlash has been felt most acutely on sites like IMDb, where a flood of negative reviews from American users has caused several Chinese-language films to plummet in the site's overall rankings. While the films have continued to perform well in theaters, the trend is worrisome for those concerned with promoting cross-cultural exchange through cinema.

Ultimately, it remains to be seen whether or not this trend is just a passing fad or a larger reflection of xenophobic attitudes in America. Regardless, it serves as a reminder of the power that online reviews can wield over a film's success - and the dangers of using that power irresponsibly.


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